Watch That Logan Trailer In Black & White

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They say old styles come back in fashion. First a black and white version of the best movie ever ( Mad Max: Fury Road), and now B & W versions of our favorite trailers.

Since the Logan trailer looks like an old western enough already, it is no surprise (or disappointment) that the new X-Men trailer is getting the black & white treatment.

If you thought the Logan movie trailer was good enough with it’s international cut, and Johnny Cash scoring, wait until you see it in black and white.

Watch the Logan trailer in black and white below:

While I prefer to watch this movie in color, this black and white trailer definitely doesn’t hurt, as I can’t stop running out of excuses to watch it just one more time.

So after this trailer, I am sure you have a lot of questions you want answered?

See some Logan movie theories here.

About Matthew Dandridge

Matt resides in Atlanta, and does everything through freelance writing and acting. Visit his movie site at for even more in depth movie fun ! Contact : [email protected] for any inquires.