Tom Hiddleston joins Instagram!

Tom Hiddleston has succumbed to the inevitable. Peer pressure has forced the famed actor to cave in and enroll in Twitter Instagram allowing nameless trolls stalk peek into his personal life with images and 140 characters of text a pop. His first tweet? A selfie of him dressed as Loki:

He’s back!

A photo posted by Tom Hiddleston (@twhiddleston) on

Don’t be fooled by that boyish smirk. There’s a trickster in our midst. The 9 realms will never be the same with Loki’s reach extending further and further into Midgar. Odin help us…




About Anthony Whyte

who has written 3015 posts on The Movie Blog

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Martin White

    Erm I hate to break this to you but Tom Hiddleston has been tweeting for over three years.

    • I was just seeing if you were paying attention ;-)

      P.S. - Fixed
      P.P.S. - Thanks