This new X-Men Apocalypse trailer is AMAZING

It happened again. I don’t know why but for some reason I keep forgetting this movie exists. I blame the obvious but really I should only blame myself as this movie looks amazing. I initially had apprehension with the casting of Oscar Isaac as Ivan Ooze Apocalypse but from what I’m seeing in this trailer I may adopt the “In Synger We Trust” school of thought.

Stray Observations:

  • Jennifer Lawrence is finally blue! I wasn’t sure that would happen in this film but it’s a very important characteristic of Mystique and a welcome sight!
  • Nightcrawler vs Psylocke!
  • Apocalypse Smash puny Xavier!
  • Another X-movie without Wolverine. Oh well…

Did you catch anything I missed? That’s all for now, I have to go perform repairs on ‘The Radar’ for letting this one slip one too many times…

[20th Century Fox]


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