The Warrior Women of Wonder Woman

We get a first look at some of the Amazons of Themyscira today thanks to the fine folks over at Entertainment Weekly. I’ll get my first proper look at Diana in a couple of hours when I finally get to see the film, (not at a screening/premiere, thanks WB!), and I’m looking forward to what Diana will be like when she finally reaches the silver screen. Here’s a glimpse of what her prequel story movie that’s coming out:

They seem a bit Asgardian, but who am I to judge? Oh! Right! So they look like a mix of Asgard and what I would imagine the spartans of 300 to look like if it were an all female team. I understand Steve Trevor’s upcoming dilemma of whether to run away or fall in love. All in all it seems to be a fine photo that teases what’s to come.

What do you think of this look for Diana?

[Ain’t It Cool]



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