The new Power Rangers trailer released yesterday and I still don’t know how to feel about it.

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It’s not that the movie looks ‘bad’ it’s just that it’s not at all what I expected. I don’t know what I expected. The Power Rangers of my youth was juvenile and violent. This new movie appears a lot more mature compared to anything shown on TV from these guys. I did like seeing the rangers have super powers even when they haven’t transformed but it’s an unexpected addition. What else is this movie hiding?

I can’t help but wonder if Michael Bay has anything to do with this movie and if he’s not receiving a check then he probably should. The maturation of the Power Rangers, their home town of Angel Grove, and the threats they face that are implied in the trailer seem like they were taken right out of Michael Bay’s playbook. It might work for the rangers if these guys can deliver when it comes to not being overly dark and mature and keeps some of the hopeful and inspiring charm that the show was also known for.

One thing is certain: I want to see more.

Here’s some pics that were released:

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