“Stutterer”…Short but Sweet Story of the Search for Love

A lonely typographer with a cruel speech impediment but an eloquent inner voice must face his greatest fear. A roller-coaster ride of joy, doubt and romance in the digital age.

The task of any Short Film is to seize the viewer’s attention in literally a matter of seconds, at once inspiring and sustaining an emotional connection with the story and it’s characters. It is a most formidable undertaking indeed. I’m here to declare that Writer/Director Benjamin Cleary’s 2015 British production “Stutterer” succeeds in not only meeting, but surpassing, this genuinely daunting mandate.

In an instant I felt the helpless frustration that Greenwood projects as he struggles with all of his might to convert the ever flowing thoughts in his head to bear upon his tongue and lips. But he can’t. I found it consistently gripping and, moreover, painful to behold this roundly riveting performance which Matthew Needham (The BBC’s “Casualty”) gifts to us in the title role of “Stutterer”.

A couple of quibbles if you’ll allow. I found it a bit difficult to understand how an adult man with at least one apparently caring parent could not have received at least a measure of effective therapy for his severe affliction at some point in his life. And as the movie drew to conclusion I had already anticipated how it was likely going to end, my hunch proving accurate.

Still, these amount to but minor distractions in an otherwise richly satisfying and touching story, one that is ultimately of a lonely soul’s search for his kindred sweet spirit.

A compelling Journey from Loneliness to Love
  • Acting - 10/10
  • Cinematography - 8/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 8/10
  • Setting/Theme - 9/10
  • Buyability - 7/10
  • Recyclability - 8/10

About John Smistad

who has written 20 posts on The Movie Blog

"The Quick Flick Critic"