New X-Men: Apocalypse

The new X-men poster dropped today. I just want to give a little insight into what I think. So, this poster is straight up wack. Apocalypse looks like Mr. Freeze from Batman and Robin, yes, BATMAN AND ROBIN!!! Arc Angel looks constipated. Psylocke is the epitome of generic. Storm looks nice, while Magneto is doing that same old pose since ’98. In addition, it looks as if a seven-year-old with Down Syndrome photoshopped this altogether. Maybe, I’m looking too much into it. But, anyways, share your opinion on the poster. Is it good? Is bad? Let me know.




About Mo Baptiste

who has written 134 posts on The Movie Blog

Mo Baptiste strives to change the way movie reviews are written. His goal is to become a staple in the film industry. Since Feb 2015 he's been knocking out movie reviews for The Movie Blog. In his own candor and somewhat unbiased ways he can get you to love and anticipate, or hate and avoid a movie in a few short paragraphs. Born and raised in New York City, his favorite pastime besides screening movies and writing, is reading science and comic books. In his free time he kills monsters and rides dragons with his son. Follow me on twitter @mbcinematics