It’s a slow day so let’s talk about the new Ninja Turtles movie

I remember seeing the trailer for the upcoming Ninja Turtles sequel and thinking that it looked to be an improvement over the first. I was surprised to discover just how divisive the trailer has been overall with folks considering the bar should have been lowered substantially with their first outing. I read folks arguing about this movie and how it wasn’t faithful to the comic or to the cartoon or something or another. It’s ridiculous when I think about it.

I saw the new trailer and thought it was better. Not great but better because they actually had the courage to do something that the original trilogy of films never pulled off by bringing in the goofy villains Bebop and Rocksteady. My inner-child is giddy to finally see these two on the silver screen and maintaining their core 80’s aesthetics no less. I may not like how the turtles look but I do appreciate the look of those two at the very least.

The trailer made me curious as to what else they may have up their sleeve. There were rumors about the Technodrome and Krang making an appearance and I had to wonder if they planned on drawing a line somewhere. Surely a giant city-smashing spherical base with an eye ball on top is just a bit too hokey for live action, right?

Reports around the web say Michael Bay confirmed Krang and their are photos of a toy for the character floating around. A brain inside a cyborg body. Oh, and Tyler Perry is playing scientist Baxter Stockman. NOTHING is off limits in the house of ‘splosions and I may have finally realized that I’m just too old for the Ninja Turtles. I never read the comics and only had attachments to the cartoon and I think just seeing Bebop and Rocksteady in the trailer may have satisfied my expectations.

Thank you Ninja Turtles, it was an awesome 25+ years but I think I’m ready to move on.

About Anthony Whyte

who has written 2880 posts on The Movie Blog

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Don Julio

    Please, no more Ninja Turtles movies, if the recent movie did not paint a clear picture for the viewers, than I will. This series sucks, we now live in an area where movies stakes are high and Ninja Turtles isn’t cutting it…