Ghostbusters Official International Trailer


Well guys, the international trailer has dropped for the all new Ghostbusters movie. And, I would like to give my quick thoughts on it. It’s better than the first trailer … but not by much. I didn’t laugh, not once, which is definitely a negative. On the other hand, the ghosts look amazing, Chris Hemsworth looks amazing. However, everything else just falls flat, but I think it might work in its favor. Think about the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie that came out. The trailers for that was god awful, but the movie was pretty damn good - scratch that, it was great. Maybe, it is the intention of Ghostbusters to keep our expectations low, so when we finally see the film, we will be blown away or at the very least, impressed. I could be optimistic, but I can’t take no more of the studios butt-raping franchises I hold near and dear. Watch the trailer and share your thoughts.


P.S I’m not gay, but Chris Hemsworth is really good looking man. I would watch Ghostbusters just for him.




About Mo Baptiste

who has written 136 posts on The Movie Blog

Mo Baptiste strives to change the way movie reviews are written. His goal is to become a staple in the film industry. Since Feb 2015 he's been knocking out movie reviews for The Movie Blog. In his own candor and somewhat unbiased ways he can get you to love and anticipate, or hate and avoid a movie in a few short paragraphs. Born and raised in New York City, his favorite pastime besides screening movies and writing, is reading science and comic books. In his free time he kills monsters and rides dragons with his son. Follow me on twitter @mbcinematics