France’s Oscar Nominated Mustang Features Exceptional Acting, Riveting Storytelling





Early summer in a village in Northern Turkey, five free-spirited teenaged sisters splash about on the beach with their male classmates. Though their games are merely innocent fun, a neighbor passes by and reports what she considers to be illicit behavior to the girls’ family. The family overreacts, removing all “instruments of corruption,” like cell phones and computers, and essentially imprisoning the girls, subjecting them to endless lessons in housework in preparation for them to become brides. As the eldest sisters are married off, the younger ones bond together to avoid the same fate. The fierce love between them empowers them to rebel and chase a future where they can determine their own lives in Deniz Gamze Ergüven’s debut, a powerful portrait of female empowerment.

Mustang is a very emotionally gripping, and somewhat relevant, foreign film about five sisters who struggle alongside the hardships of living under a tyrannical family. Fiercely feminine with a golden heart and a collective attitude, this sisterhood captivates a strong devotional family bond. This is executed with the urgency of much needed women’s rights in the eastern world with a western sensibility. In a very brisk 97 minutes, the sisters experience life’s joys and traumas with unexpected twists, dark circumstances, and (occasionally) some joyful moments.

Fiercely feminine with a golden heart and a collective attitude, this sisterhood captivates a strong devotional family bond.

The strongest element about Mustang is the top-notch acting especially from the ensemble made primarily of teenager actresses. Typically, actors/actresses going through the transitional period of puberty act awkwardly as their bodies change. This is not the case with these teenage actresses. They deliver near flawless performances in such a believable manner. Audiences, especially female ones, will be captivated with the human drama. A fun scene involves the sister’s attending a soccer game that bans male fans from attending. Writer/director Deniz Gamze Ergüven infuses the best storytelling elements of character development and arc with the mature and disciplined acting of .

My initially viewing of Mustang left me feeling cold because I had serious issues with the third act. After a second viewing, Mustang not only holds up, but I realized how vital and impactful these moments truly enhanced the storytelling. Once I was able to process these plot developments, I found the ending to be somewhat redemptive. Without revealing too much, Mustang would make an interesting double feature alongside Disney Pixar’s Inside Out. France chose to submit this movie to qualify for the Oscars over the Cannes award winning Dheepan. It was the right call since Mustang received a very worthy Best Foreign Language Oscar nomination.


  • Acting - 8/10
  • Cinematography - 6/10
  • Plot/Screenplay - 8/10
  • Setting/Theme - 6/10
  • Buyability - 7/10
  • Recyclability - 7/10

About Kenny Miles

who has written 308 posts on The Movie Blog

Whether something is overlooked by Hollywood or whatever business trend has captured the Entertainment Industry’s attention, Kenny Miles loves to talk about movies (especially the cultural impact of a film). He covers various aspects of movies including specialty genre films, limited release, independent, foreign language, documentary features, and THE much infamous "awards season." Also, he likes to offer his opinion on the business of film, marketing strategy, and branding. He currently resides in Denver, Colorado and is a member of the Denver Film Critics Society critics group. When he isn’t writing, Kenny channels his passion for interacting with moviegoers (something most movie pundits lack) as a pollster for the market research company CinemaScore and working as floor staff/special events coordinator in the film community. You can follow him on Twitter @kmiles723.

  • sendee le

    Nolan, a new “star crossed” based on theories of American theoretical physicist Kip Thorne, and the results of his theory basic in his book “black holes and time bending” in one book, the scientific knowledge are basically I see in the work of the summary. do you want watch some free movie?please see me here.
    The plot will involve a lot of scientific concepts, including the wormhole, black hole theory, relativity, gravitation and so on.
    First, the black hole
    Kipa Thorne in the opening of “black holes and time bending the book about a a space expedition in space exploring black holes experience, story quite uninteresting, basically is vividly said on black hole research achievements of modern scientists:
    1 what is a black hole
    Black hole is space has a strong gravitational pull of ultra high density objects, if solar constant quality, size has become table tennis that, this is the sun collapse into the black hole.
    The characteristic of a black hole is that there is no one, that is, the:
    Anything can fall into the black hole, the periphery of the black hole has a layer of “event horizon”, anything as long as the “event horizon”, will fall into a black hole.
    Nothing can escape from a black hole, including light.
    In addition, because there is no light to escape from the black hole, it is impossible to directly observe the black hole, but the object is inhaled by the black hole before the release of ultraviolet rays, X rays and other edge information can get the existence of black holes.
    2 the tidal force of the black hole
    A large spacecraft fly to a celestial body, spacecraft head celestial body distance is near, by gravity is relatively large, and the tail of the celestial body distance relatively far, by gravity is relatively small, gap between the head and tail of the size of the gravity, it will in the middle of the spacecraft produce tear pull, the pull is tidal force.
    If the object is a black hole, the quality is very large, the spacecraft away from the black hole, the smaller the distance, the greater the difference is caused by the gravitational force, which is the black hole tidal force. This force can even tear the craft into pieces. The astronauts in the spacecraft will also be affected by tidal forces,
    In general we have contact with the object, even if we reach the surface generated by tidal forces did not much, however, if such a hole supermassive density large objects, may produce a lot of tidal force will tear up the object.
    This feeling is very much can appear in the movie plot. (in fact, the first planet’s huge waves are caused by the huge tidal force of the black hole.)