Bautista joins Blade Runner 2


This is such an unexpected casting I couldn’t help but share. Ryan Gosling, Harrison Ford, and Dave Bautista will bring us the 20+ year too late sequel to Blade Runner according to the internetz.

Following his social media posting that suggested it over the weekend, Dave Bautista (“Guardians of the Galaxy”) has now officially signed on to joining the cast of the upcoming “Blade Runner” sequel at 20th Century Fox.

Good for Bautista! He’s only the 2nd wrestler to make the transition from ring performer to wrestler work out and I think he’s pretty entertaining when given the right material. He’s no Tom Hardy so I hope the directors are smart with their use of the talent.

Of course nothing is written in stone in Hollyweird so I’ll keep you posted if anything changes. That’s all for now…

[Dark Horizons]


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