Must See Movies From November



The Model is an excellent foreign film you might not have seen. It’s a Danish film, from a Danish director (Mads Matthiesen) about a Danish girl (Maria Palm) who sets out to Paris to become a famous model. While she achieves success, things begin to spiral out of control. It’s an awesome and suspenseful movie that will have you intrigued till the very end, it had me hooked. It’s as authentic of a representation of the glamorous and ugly side of high end fashion modeling. You’ll really like this movie, take my word on it.

The Model is available now on DVD

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About Jim Alexander

When it boils down to it, Jim's passion is entertainment. Aside from being an avid sports fan, that follows all things NFL, NBA, and Soccer. He currently resides in the suburbs of Chicago. At the core of his interests...movies! Whether trying to catch the newest flick coming out this weekend, or the latest On Demand release, to heated debates with his friends and colleagues about the most recent "Box Office Blunder". The passion for movies lies deep within him. When he isn't writing, he immerses himself in his other interests; Acting and Radio Broadcasting. Follow Jim on Twitter @JimRko.

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