Watch Margot Robbie Rap Biggie Smalls - It Will Make Your Day

Ah Margot Robbie, the best actress in Hollywood? The most gorgeous? The fastest growing? There is so much you can say about her, but honestly this may be the most un-expected.

Margot Robbie is not only just about everyones favorite actress to watch on screen, but now she is rapping Biggie Smalls with many “swear words” to choose from.

Watch the beloved Margot Robbie follow in the foot steps of her acting pal Will Smith, as she raps what may be the cutest thing you have ever seen all day.

Watch Margot Robbie Rap Biggie Smalls (swear words included):

So yeah, that was more than awesome, and now I can’t wait to see Margot Robbie in her next parade of blockbuster films coming soon.

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About Matthew Dandridge

Matt resides in Atlanta, and does everything through freelance writing and acting. Visit his movie site at for even more in depth movie fun ! Please contact: [email protected] for any inquiries.

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