John Wick 2 Trailer: Keanu Kills A lot

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John Wick 2 trailer

John Wick 2 is here folks ( almost ), and that means a new trailer with a high new movie kill count to rack up. Keanu Reeves is back as he gets tailored in his new suit for “social” purposes, while he shows us why he is the lead in every action movie to date.

John Wick one was known for it’s intense action scenes, carrying a more unique style than every other action movie before it.

Make sure to watch the first John Wick 2 trailer for more of the good old assassin action.

John Wick 2 Trailer:

So what do you think? Will the double amount of action sequences give us the gratuitous violence we can’t turn away from?

Ruby Rose, Common and even Laurence Fishburne, are in this one, so not only is John Wick ready to get tailored up for more action, but this new movie has the caliber action stars to match.

Whether it is a dangerous car chase, or just more stylish action scenes that get our adrenaline pumping, John Wick 2 is going to pull in massive numbers that may hold the box office hostage for a weekend or two.

Get ready for the John Wick 2 action, February 10th, 2017.

For more on this John Wick 2 trailer

About Matthew Dandridge

Matt resides in Atlanta, and does everything through freelance writing and acting. Visit his movie site at for even more in depth movie fun !Please contact: [email protected] for any inquiries.

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