Mel Gibson teases… Passion of the Christ Sequel?

The PAssion of the Christ was a movie that nobody could escape in 2004. The news surrounding the visceral scenes within the film as well as Mel Gibson’s action off-camera made the movie a top topic that year helping the $30 million movie earn over $600 million. Surpringly Mel Gibson recently mentioned the intent of creating this movie which will be titled “The Resurrection”.

In a chat with fans at the SoCal Harvest evangelical event over the weekend, Gibson opened up a bit about the challenges of making the sequel- which he describes as a “huge undertaking.” Gibson says, “It’s not the ‘Passion 2.’ It’s called ‘The Resurrection.’ Of course, that’s a very big subject and it needs to be looked at because we don’t want to just do a simple rendering of it — you know, read what happened.” He continued, on the scope of what he wants to do, “But in order to read it, experience and explore probably deeper meanings of what it’s about, it’s going to take some doing and Randall Wallace is up to the task.”

Check out the video of the interview below, with the reference to The Resurrection at the 3:20 mark:

I’m not sure how to feel about this. I remember watching the Passion of the Christ and loving it. It was an amazing film that had me immersed from beginning to end and overwhelmingly earned all of the acclaim that it received… but I’ll never watch it again. I’ve only seen the movie maybe 1 and a half times and that was because I couldn’t stomach re-watching that movie.

That being said, I have no idea what to expect nor do I understand what Gibson is implying when he states that I have to really read the story. I haven’t read the resurrection story in years! Quick, someone with knowledge, chime into the comments below and educate us all so that we don’t have to google!

Also, will Jim Caviziel return to play Jesus?

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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