Trailer: Star Wars The Force Awakens


The trailer has been live for just moments but it has already amassed thousands of views. I was able to grab a copy of the trailer to ease some of YouTube’s bandwidth and I have to admit… the trailer is a letdown. I guess my expectations were set way too high in advance of seeing something monumental but what we received was a little better than a teaser.

This shows some more than what we’ve already seen and known but what did you expect from J.J. Abrams? I kid but overall the trailer showed us glimpses of what you desire from the full film which is not all that surprising. Plus, this is J.J. Abrams we’re talking about. The guy labels his lube juice ‘cocktease’ for a reason so I’m sorry if you expected more other than seeing the charred remains of Darth Vader’s helmet, a bunch of storm troopers, and a few shots of Harrison Ford looking like he’s in danger. I’m calling this one click bait because it is what it is…




About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor

  • Dion Dempsey

    I agree that it could be considered a ‘cock tease’ as you put it, but then again I would rather have glimpses of a promising film with no spoilers than sit through another Terminator trailer and have everything spoiled for me straight off the bat. I think its a really well made trailer with some very cool shots and no unnecessary plot spills. Overall really excited to see this film.

    • Anthony Whyte

      I am trying to keep an open mind but it’s not easy with J.J. Abrams at the helm. 2 out of his 4 movies as director shit the bed.