The Revenant trailer shows DiCaprio vs a BEAR

The bear wins. What’d you expect, this isn’t some super hero flick in which man can overcome a friggin bear. I just posted about this movie yesterday with the first few images and no less than a day later the folks at 20th Century Fox have released a trailer! It’s a fairly long trailer clocking in at nearly 3 minutes in length but my God is this trailer grisly!


As you can see, Tom Hardy is a fucked up individual. Tom, you can’t just leave people buried alive, kill their son, and not expect repercussions! What were you thinking? Of course this leads in to what appears to be an interesting concept for a film which is even more harrowing when you take into account that this film is inspired by true events. Thank God I was born in the 20th century, time were rough back in the day.

Check out the higher res images below:

That’s all for now.


Source: 20th Century Fox



About Anthony Whyte

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