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June 13, 2015

THE PROGRAM Trailer Lance Armstrong Biopic

— Posted by Mo Baptiste

Wow. I’m calling dibs on this movie, right now. I was confident that a Lance Armstrong movie would be a snooze fest. And, for the first fifteen seconds I was right. It gave the impression that it was going to be a white wash film. Not touching on any of his enhancing drug use. Then, it took a left turn and went dark, but in a good way. The direction it took portrayed him to be a cut-throat athlete, who would step on a newborn baby, if that would get him one step closer in becoming a better performer. The scene with him telling the guy, I have the money and the power to basically crush you, gave me goosebumps. Ben Froster looks nothing short than amazing. And, kudos to Lance Armstrong for letting them paint him as the villain. Most people would not do that in their biopic. Check out the trailer below, and let me know what you think.



pgogram-foster-banner lance-armstrong-biopic-the-program-released the-program-trailer

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who has written 91 posts on The Movie Blog

Mo Baptiste strives to change the way movie reviews are written. His goal is to become a staple in the film industry. Since Feb 2015 he's been knocking out movie reviews for The Movie Blog. In his own candor and somewhat unbiased ways he can get you to love and anticipate, or hate and avoid a movie in a few short paragraphs. Born and raised in New York City, his favorite pastime besides screening movies and writing, is reading science and comic books. In his free time he kills monsters and rides dragons with his son. Follow me on twitter @mbcinematics

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