The Daddy’s Home has some good moments

Will Ferrell movies are mostly hit for miss… or just mostly miss, but he did have some success when he teamed up that 1 time with Mark Wahlberg in The Other Guys! So I noticed that they were teaming up again for another movie and I’ve been apprehensive with the idea of them trying to get lightning to strike twice. I DO like that they didn’t go the sequel route so there’s a chance that this can work. Paramount sent me the trailer this morning and I have to admit that it has its moments:

So the movie looks like it can go either way. I worry when I see jokes rely on children but there’s definitely some opportunity in there for some chuckles. We all know the movie will likely have a predictable ending but hopefully the journey will be neat. I was almost ready to write Wahlberg off when it comes to comedies but maybe… just maybe.


About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor