Stephen Amell trolling fanboys about a Batman Beyond movie

Stephen Amell is beating a dead horse with this one. I’m sure Bruce Timm and Paul Dini had no idea just HOW popular their animated work would pay dividends in the decades to come with one rumor recurring every couple of years when some actor/actress attempts to spark interest in work a film. One movie that actually came close to being real is a Batman Beyond movie back when WB had no idea what to do with the property after the Schumacher years.

Amell attended the Salt Lake City Comic Con and brought back a once forgotten topic:


I think the problem is because they have Batman going on right now, they won’t make the Batman Beyond movie until I’m too old to be Terry McGinnis. By then I’ll probably be the old, crusty Batman. But I’m a huge fan of that idea. I think it would be a great property. I think the smartest idea for them would be to make it like a $30 million movie. Don’t do like a $200 million blockbuster, do a dark, gritty version of Batman Beyond. The visual effects have come so far that you don’t need $200 million to show the technology that they have. Make it a nice, grounded character piece. But I don’t run studios, so that means nothing.


Folks, just stop and repeat after me:


In Bat-Fleck we trust





About Anthony Whyte

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