Ridiculous 6 Trailer

Netflix is moving at a comfortably rapid pace with their original programming and I love it! Seriously, right after seeing Beasts of No Nation and with Jessica Jones quickly approaching I can’t see why people still pay for cable (aside for sports). Netflix is releasing another original film but this time with more Adam Sandler. The Ridiculous 6 is an old western type film where men were men and maybe secretly brothers. Check out the trailer:

I somewhat like the concept but I hate how Sandler seems to have completely phoned in this performance. He’s literally giving no effort to doing a western voice while everyone else around him is at least pretending to try. It’s incredibly awkward to hear him calmly talk in his normal voice with little to no inflection which even makes some of the attempts at humor fall flat. If this movie wasn’t going to be free I’d skip it entirely like I did Pixels.


About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor