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January 7, 2015

Paul Rudd looks AWFUL as Ant-Man

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony



I’m all for Marvel dominating the silver screen and smashing the box office on a regular. Hell, I think of it as a treat but there are some things that Marvel does that I just take a ‘wait and see’ approach (*cough* Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). Not everything that’s put out by the ‘house of ideas’ initially looks great and Ant-Man fell in that category. I was all over the bandwagon and supporting the idea of Marvel bringing the character to the silver screen but as things get closer to release I have to admit that I am not a fan of the aesthetics.



I get that Marvel is trying to create costumes that seem…wearable or at least plausible for someone to wear with a justified reason for it to make sense, and his suit is like the reason he can shrink or something, but I just don’t like the way the suit looks or how the suit looks on Rudd. AT ALL.


Ant-Man is not one would call a “popular” super-hero or even one with favorable qualities and I can’t help but wonder if this is Marvel’s initial response to not having Spider-Man at their disposal. Hell, they even took the Spider-Man font from the comic to make the title text for Ant-Man.


Check out some more stuff below and feel free to sound off in the comments… if that seem’s OK to you.





That’s all for now…


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  • terry.juan

    Although i have seen the comic’s version of the suit, i think they did an okay job on the costume. It looks fine but not too cool. angeljackets antman

  • Robyn

    After eleven financially stupendous products,
    (five of which were actually pretty good movies)
    I suppose that Marvel could be forgiven a mis-step at this point.

    Except, I don’t think it is their mis-step.
    I think this is the House of Mouse that needs to get their grubby little
    three finger paw imprints on everything.

    Not to borrow from another one of their crown jewels that is in exactly the same predicament, but I have a bad feeling about this.

  • William Johnson

    It looks like a cross between “The Tick” and “Honey I shrunk the Kids” and I don’t say that as a favorable thing. Rudd is not charming or funny enough to pull of a comedic role the way Pratt did in Guardians. The shot of him flying on the back of a flying ant was about as cringe worthy as anything I have seen.
    Guardians was a pleasant surprise but I doubt this will fall into that category.

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