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September 3, 2015

Macbeth Official Trailer

— Posted by Mo Baptiste

So, this is supposed to be at least two paragraphs long. So, bear with me as I try to scrape something together.
I was never a big fan of MacBeth in school, you know when we were forced to read it. Maybe, that is why I am having this biased feeling towards the film. The visuals of the movie looks fantastic. I will admit that.
I’m pretty sure some theater students or some thespians are going gaga for this trailer. I watched the trailer and started thinking about what I was going to eat for dinner and if I left the water on in the bathroom.
I even thought, “Wow, my son’s hair is looking a mess. I should get him a haircut … OH, is this trailer still playing?” UGH, OMG! How am I going to get two paragraphs out of this?! So, there are some bloody battle scenes. Women crying. Fancy royal dinners where the food looks horrible. Typical Renaissance Era looking stuff. I’m not saying it is bad, but it is just not for me. Thanks a lot, MacBeth. At 1:53, you brought me right back to my desk in Ms. Nikki’s English class, where all I could think about was my Twix bar melting in my pocket. Is this two paragraphs yet? ‘Cause I’m done.



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who has written 91 posts on The Movie Blog

Mo Baptiste strives to change the way movie reviews are written. His goal is to become a staple in the film industry. Since Feb 2015 he's been knocking out movie reviews for The Movie Blog. In his own candor and somewhat unbiased ways he can get you to love and anticipate, or hate and avoid a movie in a few short paragraphs. Born and raised in New York City, his favorite pastime besides screening movies and writing, is reading science and comic books. In his free time he kills monsters and rides dragons with his son. Follow me on twitter @mbcinematics

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