Kung Pu Panda has a great new trailer

I don’t know exactly when it happened but at some point I fell in love with both Kung Fu Panda and How to Train your Dragon. Oh, and Madagascar. I guess I like Dreamworks animation features? It kinda snuck on on me because I consider myself a traditional Disney loyalist but these films have each found a place on my radar.

Kung Fu Panda 2 ended on a cliffhangar with Po’s father, Li, stating that ‘My son is alive’ and then fading to the credits. KF3 picks up where that cliffhanger ended.

My kids and I love these movies and I can’t wait to see how the story continues. There’s clearly no end in sight and that’s not a problem with me at all. Are there any other closet Dreamworks animation fans out there? Sound off in the comments. Maybe. Please. Anyone alive out there?


About Anthony Whyte

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