Everest Trailer-Based on a true story



From the beginning to the end, this trailer is flooded with A-list actors setting such an intense tone as a disaster movie. I feel the sense of urgency thanks to the seemingly decent cinematography and effects. There is much hope for this film granted that the actors deliver the storyline effectively. Since it is based on a true story there are high expectations. I do feel like a lot of the movie was shown in the trailer but I hope there are more twists and turns.



About Franchesca Davis

Franchesca's is passionate about movies and anything that has to do with them. Aspiring actress who also likes to write in her spare time. What's better than seeing a movie AND writing about it? She resides in New York City who enjoys dining out and mingling with friends on the weekend and of course seeing movies and writing about them! She is not afraid to give you her honest opinion on them good or bad. Just ask her!