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October 3, 2014

Nicolas Cage Discusses Left Behind

— Posted by Kenny Miles

The most important event in the history of mankind is happening right now. In the blink of an eye, the biblical Rapture strikes the world. Millions of people disappear without a trace. All that remains are their clothes and belongings, and in an instant, terror and chaos spread around the world. The vanishings cause unmanned vehicles to crash and burn. Planes fall from the sky. Emergency forces everywhere are devastated. Gridlock, riots and looting overrun the cities. There is no one to help or provide answers. In a moment, the entire planet is plunged into darkness.(c) Official Site


Between the zeitgeist of impending doom on a global level and the re-resurgence of faith based movies, the timing for a movie like Left Behind couldn’t be more perfect. Left Behind opens in under 1800 theaters this weekend across the country hoping to connect with faith based audience, fans of the book, and moviegoers who like disaster movies. The book series created by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins has quite the following. I had an opportunity to join the cast and filmmakers of Left Behind on a conference call to discuss the movie in detail.



Paul Lalonde, a film producer primarily focused on movies about biblical prophecy, was thrilled that a Left Behind movie was getting the big screen treatment on a bigger budget.


“Left Behind has been a dream of mine to make this movie for 20 years,” he said. “It is something I’ve always wanted to do; a big theatrical release of the rapture. We wanted to spend time focusing on the characters and bring A-List talent to the project.”


And that A-list actor included Academy Award winner Nicolas Cage who was drawn to the importance of family which played a central theme within Left Behind.


“I was very taken by the family dynamic that plays out in the script,” Cage said. “And that what drew me to project, that and the opportunity to work again with Vic Armstrong. I had a good report with him on another movie. I want that to come across that people realize that we all make mistakes but in a moment of crisis what we go back to are our families. “


Nicholas Cage might not seem like an ideal choice for Left Behind who admitted during the call that he keeps his spirituality private. He came back due to working with Vic again as well as his brother’s Christian faith despite not being familiar with the Left Behind series.


“I really said yes based on the merits of the screenplay and to work with Vic,” he said. “I was not familiar with the Left Behind series. My brother mark is a Christian pastor and he was really excited about this…When I saw how passionate he was I wanted to make this movie for my brother, too.”


Cage saw a similar characteristics in Left Behind than what he has in most of his movies. This is a spiritual theme that allows him to explore a different side of himself.


“I am drawn to movies that aren’t afraid to take on spiritual themes,” he said. “But I like to let my work speak to me. I like the find movies that allow me to explore my inner or outer work.”


Director Vic Armstrong was excited to be working on this project with Nicolas Cage during Left Behind.


“I was absolutely thrilled when I read this script,” he said. “I read three to four scripts when I’m not working…I have to tell stories with visuals and action. To read this script and see how character driven it was and what a fabulous story it had. It was a thrill to me.”


Likewise, emerging television actress Cassi Thomson had a memorable experience working with Cage which she knows will impact her personally and professionally while on set at Left Behind.


“I took away a lot of friendships from this film and I grew a lot as an actor working with someone like Nicolas Cage. His professionalism and talent changes you as actor and experiences like that change you for the better.”


Left Behind opens October 3rd.

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who has written 297 posts on The Movie Blog

Whether something is overlooked by Hollywood or whatever business trend has captured the Entertainment Industry’s attention, Kenny Miles loves to talk about movies (especially the cultural impact of a film). He covers various aspects of movies including specialty genre films, limited release, independent, foreign language, documentary features, and THE much infamous "awards season." Also, he likes to offer his opinion on the business of film, marketing strategy, and branding. He currently resides in Denver, Colorado and is a member of the Denver Film Critics Society critics group. When he isn’t writing, Kenny channels his passion for interacting with moviegoers (something most movie pundits lack) as a pollster for the market research company CinemaScore and working as floor staff/special events coordinator in the film community. You can follow him on Twitter @kmiles723.

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  • lillietipler

    He is my favorite actor .i interested to watch your movies.Yesterday I saw this spiderman 3 trailer and it is a fantastic movie.

  • Irv Spielberg

    [Thanks, Kenny. Saw this little scream while webbing away. Enjoy.]

    The Pretrib Rapture Jackpot!

    by Bruce Rockwell

    Attention, writers. You can make millions by promoting the pretrib rapture!

    As you know, pretrib began in Scotland in 1830. Early developers
    including Edward Irving and John Darby admitted it was then a totally
    new view that had never been part of any theology or organized church.

    They also admitted that it had suddenly sprung from only OT and NT
    “types” and “symbols” and not from any clear Bible statement! (Part of
    their “cut and paste” included stretching forward “gather” (Matt. 24:31)
    on their “charts” and turning it into a pretrib coming!)
    late as 1957, pretrib expert John Walvoord admitted in “The Rapture
    Question” (p. 148) that “pretribulationism” is NOT “an explicit teaching
    of Scripture”!
    Since the early 1900s pretrib has been sold by
    novelists like Sydney Watson (in 1913) and by Salem Kirban whose “Left
    Behind”-type novel “666” came out in 1970 - the same year Hal Lindsey’s
    “The Late Great Planet Earth” started breaking sales records.

    The very first pretrib rapture novel titled “Left Behind” came from the
    joint pens of Peter and Patti Lalonde in mid-1995 before Tim LaHaye and
    Jerry Jenkins somehow came up with the very same title: “Left Behind”!

    The pretrib rapture view, which admittedly is only an “inference” and
    not “explicit,” rests basically on verses in John 14, I Thess. 4, and I
    Cor. 15, none of which have either a “taken/left” separation or
    exciting, nail-biting scenarios that can “sell” pretrib.
    have to go to Revelation’s action-packed chapters instead. When you do,
    you discover they can be tied to end time details found basically in the
    Olivet Discourse.
    As you know, pretribs believe in two stages;
    Stage 1 is the pretrib rapture which supposedly occurs several years
    before Stage 2 which is the posttrib second coming to earth.

    Since the three “rapture” chapters listed above don’t have any clear
    rapture-type separation between the “righteous” and the “wicked,” your
    best launching pad if you want to be a bestselling author is “the one
    shall be taken, and the other left” phrase in Matt. 24:40, 41 and Luke
    Trouble is, Dr. Walvoord and many other pretrib
    leaders declare that the “one taken” refers to the “wicked” taken in
    judgment while the “righteous” are left! But since average pew-sitters
    don’t seem to know this, you can easily convince them that the “one
    taken” is a sort of code for an any-moment pretrib rapture!
    the pew-sitters don’t know that Walvoord etc. also teach that the same
    phrase is part of “non-imminent” Stage 2 which is posttrib (and not
    pretrib) and is on “Jewish” (and not “Church”) ground!
    In order
    to preserve Stage 1 (the long-stretched-forward pretrib rapture),
    pretrib merchandisers in recent decades have been stretching forward
    various aspects found in Stage 2 and quietly applying them to Stage 1.
    Aspects include “the day of the Lord,” “God’s wrath,” “the taken/left
    phrase,” “the unknown day and hour,” and Christ’s coming “as a thief”
    (which in the Bible is always tied to Armageddon and other posttrib
    (For more on the above, Google “The Correct Answer to
    Who’s Taken” etc. on Joe Ortiz’s blog of Apr. 12, 2010. Sure, there’s
    disagreement on who’s “taken” first, but pretrib pew-sitters forget or
    Yes, I’ve told you how you can turn yourself into a bestselling, wealthy author.

    But unfortunately you have some competition because LaHaye and Jenkins
    have long been aware of the above facts. And for years they’ve been
    milking their 19th century cash cow (which hasn’t dried up yet) to
    shatter all-time sales records and make millions of pretrib dollars that
    are destined to be left behind!
    For more on LaHaye etc. Google
    “The ‘Left Behind’ Rupture,” “LaHaye’s Temperament,” “Jerry Jenkins
    Apologizes for Being Seen Gambling in Casinos,” “Pretrib Rapture
    Diehards,” “Thomas Ice (Bloopers),” “Pretrib Rapture Pride,” “Walvoord
    Melts Ice,” “Famous Rapture Watchers,” “Margaret Macdonald’s Rapture
    Chart,” “Pretrib Rapture’s Missing Lines,” “Roots of Warlike Christian
    Zionism,” “Evangelicals Use Occult Deception,” “Pretrib Rapture
    Secrecy,” “Letter from Mrs. Billy Graham,” “Pretrib Rapture: A Staged
    Event,” “Pretrib Rapture Stealth,” “Pretrib Hypocrisy,” and “Pretrib
    Rapture Dishonesty.” (Most of these are by the author of “The Rapture
    Plot,” the most accurate and documented book on pretrib rapture history,
    obtainable by calling 800.643.4645.) BTW, for a unique Obama-inspired
    article, Google “The Background Obama Can’t Cover Up.”
    closing let me say that Jeremiah 17:11 warns that “he that getteth
    riches, and not by right, shall leave them in the midst of his days, and
    at his end shall be a fool.”
    And you can bet on this!

    • cloudmovies99

      an overall amazing movie and no nicholas cage is never left behind…if you need posters for this movie or wallpapers you can visit

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