Trailer: Terminator Genisys



I was reading Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Facebook page today, (I know I’m creepy), and noticed that the Governator took it upon himself to share the official trailer for Terminator Genisys and proceeded to invite fans to ask the aging action star any questions that they want. Right on Facebook. Crazy. Anyway, the good news is that the trailer is available for ocular consumption, the so-so news is… well, see for yourself.


[springboard type=”video” id=”1226223″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]


I feel like I’ve already seen this movie. It looks like a mash-up of Terminator 2 and 3 right down to comparable action sequences with the truck flipping over. I kinda like the nods and all but I hope that there’s more that’s different in this film rather than nostalgic. I’m tired of re-casting John Connor and going through another face in the same role.


Also, is that another T-1000? That’s kinda cool but there’s going to have to be more than just blade hands to make me want to see this in theaters. So far I’m not overly disappointed nor am I overly optimistic. I’m Indifferent and I guess that’s not entirely a bad thing. What’d you think of the trailer? Are they hitting the right beats for you or are you gonna leave this one off your ‘radar’?


Source: Governator’s Facebook Page



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

7 thoughts on “Trailer: Terminator Genisys

  1. Looks like they are addressing the ” messing with time thing”. The others had the predetermination approach. Nothing they did changed the future, not even the death of Myles. Could be good.

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  3. Definitely a must watch for me. I am a huge fan of terminator movies. I guess I will have to sell all my old DVDs to buy some of the older movies. Funnily enough I won’t actually have to spend lots of money since I will just use this cool new website I discovered. With this I get the most money out of DVDs I don’t want any longer

  4. I am looking forward to this new take on the Terminator franchise. However, I hope it doesn’t ruin or somehow offset what happened in T1 and T2. Those movies are classic and will always go down as some of the greatest action/sci-films of all time!

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