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April 16, 2013

New Man of Steel trailer

— Posted by Elliot Hopper


The latest trailer for the Man of Steel has hit the web. Warner Bros has put it up on YouTube and the official Man of Steel website. The trailer recycles a bit of the old footage already seen but showcases just a bit more. It’s looking more and more like, to me at least, that Snyder has done a great job of presenting without overusing the word, something ‘epic’. It’s easy to get on the hype train, but this film is easily my most anticipated of the Summer 2013 releases - so I’m definitely looking forward to it. There isn’t much else to say, but if watching this trailer puts you more in a blackout mode, I encourage that. Beyond that sound off on your thoughts below!


Source: YouTube, Official Man of Steel website



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Tyson Chamberlin
Tyson Chamberlin

@JamesM Tony Stark might be a genius but the man of steel is stronger than any super heroes that I know of. I guess I'm a fan of SuperMan :)


@Tyson Chamberlin

We he definitely flies over one's head at roughly the same speed the point of the conversation did.


@Tyson Chamberlin

That should be "well", I can't type without errors as fast as Clark I guess...

Tyson Chamberlin
Tyson Chamberlin

Movie looks good but I still believe that there can never be a better superman then Christopher Reeves.


@Tyson Chamberlin

That's probably what people older than you or me thing about George Reeves - in reality there was nothing special about either one of them. It would be a tall order for someone else to step in as Tony Stark, Superman not so much.


this looks about as epic as epic can be... lots of departures from canon (which i am fine with) i wonder how purists will respond...


I can't wait for this movie to come out! I've watched this trailer 10 times. I think it's going to be so much better than all the other remakes. And Russell Crowe as Superman's Dad...Nice - that voice is like butter! Check out my site in the next couple of days for a Superman post!

Anthony_TMB moderator

I like it. I like it a lot...

uhm. who's this?


@Anthony_TMB i saw a pic of faora with a weird force field helmet... i think that is zod with a similar helmet...

Anthony_TMB moderator

@KevinC1 @Anthony_TMB I guess it's just wishful thinking that it was Lex Luthor in his battle armor....


@Anthony_TMB @KevinC1 Thats actually a great idea... if you noticed the LexCorp building in the trailer, I wonder if Luthor procures Zod's suit at the end and tweaks it for his own use... could be cool.

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