Metal Gear Solid’s Hideo Kojima REALLY wants people to see Pacific Rim

I know that this is a few days old but this may be the most intense method of expression I’ve seen from Hideo Kojima since “!”. The man clearly is enthusiastic about the movie an wants to make sure people of his country check this movie out in theaters. Heck, Metal Gear Solid Aritst Yoji Shinkawa even made this poster for the film:












I recently read some predictions that ‘Grown Ups 2’ will outperform Pacific Rim in the box office. I hope those prediction are wrong, although I’m one of those “weirdos” that enjoyed the first Grown Ups despite the fact that it reminded me of most other Adam Sandler movie, because Pacific Rim is something I’m Guillermo Del Toro is an internet darling. The stars of the film have begun popping up on talk shows and such and it’s looking like Pacific Rim will might get that momentum needed to achieve some appreciable numbers this weekend. I’m hoping the naysayers are proven wrong.


Source: The HD Room




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