Guillermo del Toro offered Star Wars Episode VII


The task of taking on Star Wars is a daunting one. It’s a franchise that could make or break your career as a director. And even if you are able to succesfully make a film that receives adequate praise from the critics, you still have to please the most critical of critics…the fans. Maybe his plate was too full as he says, or maybe this is the reason why Guillermo del Toro turned down the opportunity to work on the next installment of the Star Wars franchise.


Guillermo del Toro said that his agent received a phone call asking if he would be interested in the project, but the perpetually-busy del Toro apparently didn’t hesitate before turning it down: “It was very flattering. It was just a phone call, it didn’t go past that, it was very nice to be asked, but believe it or not, I’m busy enough.”

Via: CinemaBlend


It is so difficult to choose a director for this film. It’s intimidating to work on such a massive franchise. I hope that Disney doesn’t anticipate a 2015 release because it’s going to be rushed judging by the pace they’re moving at in finding a director. When they do select a director, that person is going to be under such a high level of scrutiny and stress due to the fact they’re working on one of the most well known movie franchises and then having a 2015 release date. Guillermo del Toro made a smart move by passing on this because if it is going to be as rushed as it’s seeming to be, I think we may have another “Spiderman 3” in the making.

About Ryan

First and foremost, Ryan Brown is a fan. He has been an avid fan of both the theater and cinema since an early age and his passion for both has been continually growing ever since. When dissecting a film, he focuses on all elements of film-making including some fan/cult factors. He believes that character development is the foundation of a good film and usually starts his analysis of a film from there moving forward. His writing style may be influenced by his background of narrative and argumentative studies in the subject, but he tends to enjoy a more conversational style to better interact with the readers, unlike some other pretentious and pompous writers.

  • peter247

    Dammit! Guillermo would have been my top choice for this too!