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August 30, 2013

Dallas Buyers Club: Trailer

— Posted by Andrea Lestrange

Directed by: Jean-Marc Vallée
Starring: Matthew McConaughey, Jennifer Garner, Jared Leto


I must admit, I’ve never been the biggest Matthew McConaughey fan - there’s just something about him that I didn’t gel with. However, I saw Mud earlier this year, and I was surprised by my change of heart. He was great. It looks like his newfound serious, mature acting has transferred to Dallas Buyers Club too. Jared Leto, who plays a HIV transgender woman, looks the part! Both Jared Leto and Matthew McConaughey underwent weight losses for their roles; Leto lost 30 pounds for the role and McConaughey lost 38 pounds. This trailer looks like it’s going to be a sensitive and sincere movie based on true events.



Spirit Award winner Matthew McConaughey portrays real-life Texas electrician Ron Woodroof, an ordinary man who found himself in a life-or-death battle with the medical establishment and pharmaceutical companies. In 1985, Ron was blindsided by being diagnosed as H.I.V.-positive and given 30 days to live. Ron grabbed hold of non-toxic alternative treatments from all over the world by means both legal and illegal. Seeking to avoid government sanctions against selling non-approved medicines and supplements, he established a “buyers club,” which fellow H.I.V.-positive people could join for access to his supplies.



Source: Focus Features



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