Media Conglomerate Stars Align to Anoint Sandra Bullock 2013’s EW Entertainer of the Year.

SHOCK: Time Warner owned Entertainment Weekly names Sandra Bullock star of Time Warner owned Warner Brothers movie Gravity Entertainer of the Year!



Now I know many avid moviegoers may think Sandra Bullock deserved to be named Entertainment Weekly’s Entertainer of the Year, and I agree that she is talented and had a pretty good year. I have been a big fan of her work since Speed. I will always root for the success of an “older woman” in this male dominated, youth obsessed industry. (I don’t consider her “old” by any means, she looks fantastic!) She held her own in exceptional work in Gravity (one of the year’s best movies) and played opposite Melissa McCarthy in the summer smash hit female buddy cop comedy The Heat (the funniest summer comedy in a dismal year).


As I mentioned last year when Ben Affleck was on the cover, Time Warner owns both Entertainment Weekly and Warner Brothers. Both Argo and Gravity are Warner Brother’s movie and needed attention during this time in the awards season. It helped keep Mr. Affleck in the spotlight and attention on his movie Argo (though it didn’t help when he was denied a Best Director Academy Award). It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to follow the Time Warner trail… This seems like a business decision to prop up Warners Brothers Oscar chances as was the case last year.


While awards season gets underway and other actresses gain more momentum as their movies are being released and reviewed (Weinstein’s Philomena just this week is expanding to a robust 700 locations this upcoming Holiday weekend putting lead actress Judi Dench in the spotlight), Sandra Bullock’s Best Actress Oscar front runner status goes to the back burner. Gracing the cover as Entertainer of the Year is a much needed boost for Sandra Bullock’s awards chances.


I thought Sandra Bullock who had a very good year but wasn’t the biggest star of the year. Sure she was one of them. I think this recognition should go to A-List Jennifer Lawrence (in movies from Sony, Summit/Lionsgate, and winning an Oscar for The Weinstein Company) or even the resurgence of Matthew McCaughey (in movies from Focus Features and Roadside Attractions). However, since Time Warner owns both Entertainment Weekly and Warner Brothers, Sandra Bullock conveniently gets the edge and to be on the cover. I view her selection with suspicion especially in our big business era of the media conglomerate.


So TMB readers, am I on to something connecting Time Warner to this decision or is Sandra Bullock really the Entertainer of the Year?



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About Kenny Miles

Whether something is overlooked by Hollywood or whatever business trend has captured the Entertainment Industry’s attention, Kenny Miles loves to talk about movies (especially the cultural impact of a film). He covers various aspects of movies including specialty genre films, limited release, independent, foreign language, documentary features, and THE much infamous "awards season." Also, he likes to offer his opinion on the business of film, marketing strategy, and branding. He currently resides in Denver, Colorado and is a member of the Denver Film Critics Society critics group. You can follow him on Twitter @kmiles723.

One thought on “Media Conglomerate Stars Align to Anoint Sandra Bullock 2013’s EW Entertainer of the Year.

  1. rights..oh wait…that was someone else…if you really knew, Sandy you would know that she is a mega-whiner…i am not saying she doesn’t deserve empathy {who doesn’t} but but you so-called thesbians blow everything out of proportion…She Is NOT #AmericasSweetheart (say #butterfly or think butterfly…one will not manifest from thin air no matter how much a person believes they are made in the image of God {Let there be light and there was light re3member how we were all there and god said that and light showed up???})…Sandy is a bone head..she does not deserve the sympathy ;p


    yes and this is also true of everything i know about CASSANDRA includinng the relationship she had with her #Mother #HELGABULLOCK (god rest her soul) …stuff #GEORGECLOONEY doesn’t know because “My friends call me Sandy” doesn’t talk about this stuff

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