World of Warcraft showing signs of life?


The long gestating World of Warcraft movie is showing some signs of life with rumors that actor Colin Farrell is in talks to take an unspecified role in the film. Duncan Jones is in line to direct (after Sam Raimi bailed) and rumor has it that Paula Patton is also in talks for a role opposite of Farrell.


I, personally, am trying to keep an open mind about a film based on a video game but you have to admit that this is an uphill battle. Attaching Farrell, after Total Recall recouped cost, is a sensible decision and helps position the film for success. Kinda. Sorta. Let’s just not hold our breath, cus this one can go either way and will more than likely end up with tabloid stories of Farrell and Patton hooking up on set.


I’ll keep ya posted…


Source: Worst Previews



About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer |Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink