X-Men Days of Future Past trailer

X-Men Days of Future Past footage revealed


I finally found the Days of Future Past trailer and got it here for you guys. I watched this trailer and it gave me a overwhelming sense of confidence and relief about the X-Men franchise. Check out the trailer and tell me what you think about Wolverine’s next crazy adventure. Should we just call this movie Wolverine 6?


[springboard type=”video” id=”775013″ player=”tmbg001″ width=”599″ height=”336″ ]



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

20 thoughts on “X-Men Days of Future Past trailer

  1. Aaron Sullivan then they shouldn't make them all, we get it's ok to change a few things….but even that has to have a limit before it's all coming from the director's mind rather then what a fan would want like Resident Evil Etc.

  2. as far as continuity goes, people seem to forget that the comics have there own as do each t.v. series and the movie universe. While I agree that there have been pitfalls with the movies and wolverine shouldn't be the sole focus of everything x-men, how short term are our memories that x-men first class only had a 5 second cameo of wolverine and did much for character building for magneto, Xavier and raven? although not perfect, in my opinion, it was respectable. Oh, and I have been reading and collecting for MANY years so there is that. But it IS simply an opinion.

  3. as far as continuity goes, people seem to forget that the comics have there own as do each t.v. series and the movie universe. While I agree that there have been pitfalls with the movies and wolverine shouldn't be the sole focus of everything x-men, how short term are our memories that x-men first class only had a 5 second cameo of wolverine and did much for character building for magneto, Xavier and raven? although not perfect, in my opinion, it was respectable. Oh, and I have been reading and collecting for MANY years so there is that. But it IS simply an opinion.

  4. Gary McCormick Why does everything have to follow the comics like a script? That'd be boring. Thanks but I'd rather /not/ go see a movie with Ani-Men.

  5. You are absolutely right.Angel was one.of the original 5 but in the movies,he's only a bit player in the 3rd movie.Continuity has gone out the window with these movies and they are doing the same thing with 'The Avengers'.And why does everything have to include Wolverine? Enough is enough !

  6. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  7. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  8. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  9. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  10. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  11. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  12. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  13. X-men movies are disgusting…
    Where are the original 5? When Wolverine turns into the principal mutant? The x-men movie world turns into Wolverine -'.

  14. the should make a movie about the construction of the xavier institue and the early recruitments wen they were kidsincluding jaen storm cyclops and etc…..

  15. I absolutely agree that the X-men are incredible without wolverine. X-Men first class was the only film not centered around Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, and even that one shoe-horned a cameo from the character, hence Wolverine 6.

  16. I absolutely agree that the X-men are incredible without wolverine. X-Men first class was the only film not centered around Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, and even that one shoe-horned a cameo from the character, hence Wolverine 6.

  17. The fact that you wanted to call it WOLVERINE 6 makes me want to choke you. The X-men are incredible without Wolverine.

  18. The fact that you wanted to call it WOLVERINE 6 makes me want to choke you. The X-men are incredible without Wolverine.

  19. The fact that you wanted to call it WOLVERINE 6 makes me want to choke you. The X-men are incredible without Wolverine.

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