‘Beyond’: A Sci-Fi Short Film - Watch it here!



Beautifully shot, delicate, original and unique - Beyond was written, directed, edited, and co-produced by Raphael Rogers, starring Bianca Malinowski as Arya Vega. It’s inspiring that it was all shot with a simple camera! The visuals are impressive, the vast landscape is brilliant - it’s exciting how such creativity can come out of one guy and his one camera, all in such a short time! Watch the movie below.


Raphael shot this with a Canon c100. “Lenses used were the Canon 24mm IS prime, the Canon 50mm 1.4, the 100mm Macro IS 2.8 and the Tokina 11-16mm. By far, most of it was shot on the 24 and the 100. The final shot was done with my trusty 5DII as it was a pickup. There was no crew on this shoot. Just myself and Bianca. The shoot took 3 days and post production took significantly longer. All the visuals were done in after effects. I used Element3D a good amount.”

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Arya is the last remaining member of her family, a lineage with a unique genetic code that grants the ability to survive the folding of temporal and spatial boundaries… In short, she can teleport. Tasked with exploring new planets, she is in search of something that will explain who exactly she is and where she comes from.



A note from Raphael Rogers:


“My original inspiration for the film was the question, ‘what if we could go beyond the stars’? I came up with that concept and played with it. I know the answer to that question isn’t fully answered in the short, but I do have the answer, so it’s coming.”


“I’ve been doing filmmaking for a while, the past 2 and half years are where I’ve really got most of my practice, lots of music videos, indie films and commercials. When I got out of college for digital media I didn’t know how to get into the film world so I started doing graphic design, which I ended up doing for 3 years. It wasn’t where my heart was but it became invaluable to me. If that wouldn’t have happened I probably wouldn’t have the photoshop and after effects skills I have now, skills that allowed Beyond to get made. So I wrote this short and decided I was going to make it no matter what. There were some obstacles but it worked out. I wasn’t expecting this big of a response though. Its definitely one of the best things that I’ve ever experienced. I don’t pretend to be any expert but all I did was keep making stuff. You get better each time. Very simple. You don’t need money, just a camera and creativity.”



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About Andrea Lestrange

I love to write about different types of film - from blockbusters, to indies, and documentaries. I enjoy exploring and discussing different themes and angles, with a light-hearted edge to keep things fun. I am based in London, and currently looking to pursue a career in the film industry.

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