Chris Pratt: ABStastic for Guardians of the Galaxy



How far would you go to kick into great shape? How about giving up beer for six months? Six whole months with none of that precious grain touching your lips! God knows I’d struggle. But what if the reward was the chance to be a superstacked superhero? Cool. This was the secret, and part of the deal behind Chris Pratt’s dramatic new look. I call it ABStronomical.



Pratt is playing Peter Quill/Star-Lord in the Marvel Studios film Guardians of the Galaxy; intended to be the tenth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, due for release in 2014. In true superhero-style he dedicated determination and time to his health and figure in order to best fit the role.



Pratt, the other half of funny gal Anna Faris, is best known for his roles in television shows Everwood, The OC from back in the day, and most recently Parks and Recreation. He got into great shape for his transformation from chubby quirky guy, for movie Zero Dark Thirty, and he has now done it again on a more extreme level. While he isn’t my cup of tea, you cannot deny his new physique. I’m sure most of you have seen THAT photo floating around cyber space, but for those who haven’t…





He went from who ate all the pies, to wow look at those thighs. (And bicepts, and abs…obvs.) An inspiration for the fellas, a slice of eye candy for the ladies. Now, Pratt is no stranger to fluctuating weight, having had to gain for his roles in The Delivery Man and 10 Years, and having to lose it for his roles in Zero Dark Thirty and now in Guardians of the Galaxy. But that dedication is a small price to pay! What a great excuse to get into shape…to be remembered as that buff bodied superhero that saves the planet, or humanity, or whatever else he/she saves…as well as their own health.







It’s nothing new - Pratt is just another addition to the list of actors bulking, buffing, and henching up for superhero status, but for the time being he is the hype, and it is well deserved! Although well known, Pratt is not as famous (yet) as other actors, who have endured a similar process. Other notable and impressive transformations into specifically superhero body and role include Christian Bale from The Machinist to Batman Begins. I mean DAMN…





And how about Chris Hemsworth as Thor…





Amongst others are Tobey Maguire as Spiderman, Wesley Snipes as Blade, and Tom Hardy as supervillain Bane. Whether all the above guys, and indeed a lengthy list of other actors in non-superhero roles were bulking up from skinny or not so skinny, they have all done a pretty good job at proving to us the perils of an inspiring role. Superheros exist to, well, be super, and to save. In order to fit with the ideals and stereotypes of a superstrong superhero, these men don’t really have any other choice other than to bulk. And i’m not gona complain about that…




About Andrea Lestrange

I love to write about different types of film - from blockbusters, to indies, and documentaries. I enjoy exploring and discussing different themes and angles, with a light-hearted edge to keep things fun. I am based in London, and currently looking to pursue a career in the film industry.