Finally, Killing Season is here for John Travolta and Robert DeNiro

Directed by Mark Steven Johnson
Starring Robert De Niro, John Travolta, Milo Ventimiglia


Today we see a trailer in which Travolta with a drawn on beard takes on DeNiro with Elmer Fudd’s shotgun in ‘Killing Season’. I generally don’t mind either of these guys appearing in upcoming films although I doubt that be rushing out the door to see their films anymore, but they’re aging gracefully and are still pretty entertaining from time to time. Check out the trailer:



The movie seems kinda interesting if you ignore the incredibly distracting beard on John Travolta and the fact that far too few 69 year old men are as nimble as DeNiro is in this trailer. It’s a little unbelievable and difficult to take seriously, but all in all I could see myself on the couch watching this on a Saturday afternoon. It’s been a looong time since I enjoyed a John Travolta movie, (I enjoyed DeNire in Silver Linings), and I think I’m about due.


Source: Millennium Entertainment



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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