Ender’s Game character posters

Starring: Asa Butterfield, Ben Kingsley, Harrison Ford, Hailee Steinfeld, Abigail Breslin, Viola Davis, Nonso Anozie, Stevie Ray Dillmore, Andrea Powell and more.


It’s been a while since I wrote about this movie but we’re nearing the release of the film we’re now privy to some of the promotional material produced. I found these character posters for the film reminding me that this movie has some definite star power to help try to make this the next Hunger Games, in space.


-Removed by request of studio —


There’s a lot of hope for sequels and the producers are hoping to overcome any apprehension toward the movie due to the directors’ previous work with “X-Men Origins: Wolverine”. Harrison Ford, Ben Kingsley, Asa Butterfield and more are helping wash away the memories of Will.I.Am with a shotgun. I have hopes for this movie but it’s gonna need some bite in order to have a chance of holding my attention beyond mild curiosity. That’s all for now…


Source: Film-o-filia



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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