I’m one of the #1701


Star Trek Into Darkness is coming into theaters soon, and with the release of the film are a bunch of marketing campaigns geared toward getting butts in seats. One of their recent campaigns that was recently discovered in the last trailer pointing to a website http://www.areyouthe1701.com . I didn’t give it much attention at first… until I got this in the mail:



Old school 3D glasses, a link to some sort of exclusive clip or trailer and a big ass movie poster to adorn my wall. I tip my hat to those marketing guys as they finally figured out how to get my attention. Free Schwag. So I’m supposed to visit the url on May 2nd, (tomorrow), and see what the big reveal will be. I’ll be sure to let you guys know what I discover manana.


That’s all for now…


Source: Paramount Pictures, #1701



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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