I LOVE the new Spider-Man costume


I was gonna share those shots of Jamie Foxx as Electro. Didn’t do it. Then I was gonna show the shots of Jamie Foxx out of makeup as Maxx Dillon. Skipped that too. This? I refuse to skip this. Ever since we got that early look at Spidey’s bigger eyes I got reaaal optimistic about the next Spider-Man film and now a few more set shots solidify my excitement because, rather simply, they nailed it.



Source: Movie Web



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

One thought on “I LOVE the new Spider-Man costume

  1. Well, I wish it was a tad brighter, and the blue a bit bluer, but overall he looks like Spidey. Incidentally, I hope The Black Suit is slime this time around.

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