Watch James Franco take a bubble flight in this new clip for Oz The Great and Powerful


I hate when people judge a film too early. Ryan touched on the subject yesterday with Man of Steel receiving a fair amount of praise and I’ve been seeing the same issue with the opposite effect with Sam Raimi’s Oz The Great and Powerful. My issue is that folks are really misdirecting their feelings from what Tim Burton produced with Alice in Wonderland and people are seeing a a similar aesthetic with Oz. I honestly feel like people are comparing apples to oranges mainly because these are two completely different type of directors. Burton is Burton and Sam Raimi is something else entirely and seeing him continue to expand and develop as a film director is pleasing to me. I just found this new clip showing James Franco floating around in a bubble led by Michelle Williams. I kid you not… just watch!



Source: Screen Crave



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

2 thoughts on “Watch James Franco take a bubble flight in this new clip for Oz The Great and Powerful

  1. I don’t look at this and automatically compare how the film will play compared to Burton’s Alice in Wonderland, but the look of Oz, so far, does look very similar. It is produced by some of the same people who worked on Alice in Wonderland, so that’s expected to an extent. I’m actually really looking forward to this films release.

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