Man of Steel toy reveals Faora in costume!


Faora had been conspicuously absent from the set photos of folks in costume over the last few months with many wondering when we’d get our first look at the character. When there’s a Toy, there’s a way and we now have our first look at Faora, (sorta), in costume thanks to the folks over at Mattel.



It certainly maintains the design style we’ve seen from other characters in the film and I’m really digging the look. The most awesome surprise? that dagger on her waist. Oh yeah, something tells me we’re gonna see Superman bleed in this one.


Source: Movie Web

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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

One thought on “Man of Steel toy reveals Faora in costume!

  1. Man Of Steel…I wonder what the story is going to be like. How much better than the past man of steel - superman. have a look here

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