New Banner for Jack the Giant Slayer

I’m slowly gaining enthusiasm for the upcomign Bryan Singer film “Jack The Giant Slayer”. Sure, the name of the film got a little lame but everything else in the film seems it’s benefitted from the year or so away from the lime-light. Everything from the movie seems like the best combination of, surprisingly, my favorite playstation games. Yes, I’m highly caffeinated but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong! The film seems to have taken inspiration from Sony’s “Shadow of the Colossus” as well as their “Uncharted” game franchises thus providing us with a rich, lush, lavish, and stylish world inhabited by our newfound favorite “Giant Killer Slayer”.



This is a lame ass poster that won’t do much to generate interest in the film, but it’ll still make a lovely addition to our gallery and will now be littered on all future coverage of this film. That’s it. My kids won’t look at this and say “Daddy, let’s go see Jack the Giant Slayer!” so I think it’s a nice… try. That’s it. They better have some decent TV spots for this thing otherwise I’m gonna swear someone is setting Singer up to fail.


That’s all for now…


Via: Collider



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About Anthony Whyte

Content Manager | Senior Editor | Daydreamer | Keep your head on a swivel and don't blink

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