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Iconoclastic, take-no-prisoners cop John McClane, for the first time, finds himself on foreign soil after traveling to Moscow to help his wayward son Jack–unaware that Jack is really a highly-trained CIA operative out to stop a nuclear weapons heist. With the Russian underworld in pursuit, and battling a countdown to war, the two McClanes discover that their opposing methods make them


I want to start off by saying that the Die Hard of today isn’t the Die Hard of yesteryear. Yes, believe it or not but in order to maintain interest and viability every so often a product goes under a “refresh” and somewhat reinvents itself for the future. The Die Hard of yesteryear was fun, vulgar, violent, fast paced and gruesome experience that worked in the 80’s and 90’s and will cause many irrational people to swear off newer films in the franchise because their inflexible minds won’t accept things they’re not familiar with. This new Die Hard is a bit softer, more refined, but is as unapologetic as previous films. That much is the same.


That being said I’m kinda excited about this new Die Hard film but I’m cautious about it because of its release date. It’s not really a date movie but they’re releasing it on Valentines day anyway plus I would like to think that the Die Hard franchise works best as a summer release. It makes me think that they’re positioning this film for those anxious to go see a Bruce Willis movie on Valentines day. You know, the guys without a Valentine. I feel for those guys and am happy to have graduated away from that loneliness but is this film being released on Valentines day because the audience may be more accepting of what could be a poor quality film? That’s my suspicious and I hope I’m wrong. These photos that they’ve released typically show people posing in some sort of action movie stylish way which doesn’t really re-assure me but I’m try my best to maintain optimism. For Bruce’s sake.



Source: Filmofilia



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