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July 12, 2012

Watch the insanity ensue in this new Cosmopolis trailer

— Posted by Anthony


David Cronenberg is well known for creating some far fetched concepts and combining them with some intriguing and often well written narrative to create some very conceptual and unique films. We’ve glimpsed at Cosmopolis in the past and gotten a feel for the Robert Pattinson starring picture which, surprisingly, looks like quite a good turn for the young actor. The story revolves around a day in the life of this young billionaire attempting to get a haircut… or something. This trailer below reflects almost all of the billionaire, but none of the haircut goal and instead shows the insanity outside the bubbled walls of the limo. I’m not explaining this right, just look already:



See what I mean? putting THAT into words is no small feat. I don’t know what the hell’s going on but somehow I can’t shake the feeling that ‘fun’, ‘alcohol’, and ‘nudity’ will be a big part of this film and it really doesn’t take much more than that to get me to pay attention. I wonder how this will rank among all the other Cronenberg films…


Via: Film Drunk

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