Warner Bros. wants Will Smith back for a sequel to ‘I am Legend’

Posted by on 18. 02. 2012in News Chat

I loved ‘I am Legend’. The film had its faults, as do all films, but it was pretty darn fun to watch and I walked out of the theater holding it in high regard. The thing that stuck with me was that the film had finality and that it seemed very self contained, not encouraging further films in the series. Then again, $585 million in the box office is pretty hard to ignore even 5 years later…

Source: Geek Tyrant

Now it has been announced that Warner Bros. is moving forward with a sequel, making a deal with Overbook Entertainment. Even more interesting is that the deal specifically mentions that Warner Bros. intends Smith to reprise his role as Dr. Robert Neville, and Smith will make his decision when he gets the script.

I enjoyed I am Legend as much as the next guy but I can’t imagine how they can include Smith in the sequel.


I mean he died at the end of the original movie. It’s a one-off. He’s dead. Leave it the hell alone, right? Part of me wouldn’t mind the idea of them revisiting the world in some way but it has to be a helluva script to convince me that this can work beneficially. Any wrong turn and they risk tarnishing the image of the first film and is that worth it? Oh yeah, there’s 585 million rea$on$ why they want to see this work. It just doesn’t sit well with me at the moment but maybe they can change my mind. We’ll see…

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One Response to “Warner Bros. wants Will Smith back for a sequel to ‘I am Legend’”

  1. Goines says:

    In my opinion, this is often how good movies get a bad reputation. I completely agree with what you said. Still, let’s keep an open mind :)

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