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May 30, 2012

Wait, Iron Patriot is in Iron Man 3?!

— Posted by Anthony


I can’t vouch for these photo’s and in all probability they’ll become very hard to find very soon but it appears that some lucky cameraman was in North Carolina in the right place at the right time Capturing photo’s of the Marvel Comics character the Iron Patriot:



I bet some of you don’t know who this guy is. The Iron Patriot, in comics, is in actuality Norman Osborn who was Peter Parker’s villain in the first Sam Raimi Spider-Man film.


During the events of the “Dark Reign“, Osborn created a new identity, the Iron Patriot (an amalgam of Captain America and Iron Man), to cement his standing as a hero. As the Iron Patriot, he utilized a version of Iron Man’s armor. The armor featured superhuman strength, enhanced durability via a pliable crystalline material with a molecular structure that can collimate into super-hard planes upon the application of an electrical field, flight, magnetic impact blasts, heat seeking missiles, miniaturized lasers, flamethrowers, and a communications system housed in his helmet which allowed him to interface with any U.S.-controlled satellite or computer network.


Spider-Man has no place in Disney’s current Marvel lineup and that’s because the characters’ film rights belong firmly with Sony and in likelihood they’re not gonna let Osborn in the film. So either that’s a Super Skrull or someone else not named Tony Stark is in the armor. Coldblood? Maybe.


Source: Worst Previews



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ScottHarrigan 5 pts

I personally hated Dark Reign, but the Iron Patriot was one of the cool parts. It is so in character for Norman Osborne to give a giant middle finger to Captain America and Iron Man. I have no idea how he will fit into the Marvel films, because if the older Spiderman movies are counted, Osborne is dead. If not, then how will they introduce him outside of Spiderman? Iron Man 2 was pretty lack luster in my opinion and this does not bode well for the third film being better.

TheUniverse 5 pts

I watched the The Avengers and it was FREAKING AWESOME! I like them all but the Hulk/Bruce Banner STANDOUT among the rest. Mark Ruffalo did an AMAZING job and he gave JUSTICE to Hulk/Bruce Banner compared to the other 2 Hulk movies. Marvel and Disney made an EXCELLENT decision for giving the role to Mark Ruffalo. We NEED a new Hulk movie of Mark Ruffalo! WE NEED MORE!