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August 10, 2012

Trailer: Red Dawn

— Posted by Anthony


Finally! After that brief look at the film courtesy of ET we now have a proper trailer for Red Dawn. Feels like just a few hours ago I was saying that these guys might wanna market this thing. Anyway the trailer has been released via Yahoo trailer and we have it for you here!





Good gosh, why havent they released this already?! Don’t get me wrong there’s a lot left in ambiguity but for the most part it seems pretty straight forward and awesome looking. I have yet to become a Josh Hutcherson fan but he’s beginning to appear in more films so I’m trying to really nail down my feelings on the guy. For obvious reasons there are some unsettling images in this trailer but for the most part I see popcorn fun written all over this. Man, that Hemsworth guy is worth his weight in gold lately…


Via: io9



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TigerClaw 5 pts

This remake was originally shot in 2009, But was put on the shelve so that the filmmakers could re-edit it and change the bad guys from the Chinese to the North Koreans. Plus this was made at the time before Chris Hemsworth became famous.

FaceL1 5 pts

The villains are Chinese, how do they market this over there and expect it to be a hit internationally if your making them the villains. Im assuming thats why it wasn't released yet....

thespoon 5 pts

FaceL1 they switched it up to North Koreans, which is why they had to delay it.