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November 19, 2012

Three unused Dark Knight Rises posters

— Posted by Anthony


Just in time for the home release we’re finding that despite being bombarded, pummeled, and broken by the sheer volume of promotional posters, images, toys, and videos used to promote the release of Christopher Nolan’s conclusion to his Dark Knight franchise that there’s STILL a good amount of material that was left on the cutting room floor. For some assuredly genuine yet unexplained and mind-boggling reason the Dark Knight films don’t offer deleted scenes and this is about as close as we’ll get to finding anything not previously seen.



they look interesting but don’t reflect the scope and granduer used to market The Dark Knight Rises and I understand why they were left on the floor. They look similar to the poster created by Jock that I didn’t care for and apparently someone else didnt care for them enough either.


The Fire Rises…


Via: First Showing



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