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News Chat, Trailers
February 2, 2012

This new ‘Star Wars: Episode 1: The Phantom Menace’ trailer is painful to watch

— Posted by The "Superior" Anthony

You know my sentiments toward Lucas had actually gained some positive traction after learning a lot about the guy in preparation for ‘Red Tails’. Sure, he created a few movies that were disappointing but I had began to actually ‘like’ the guy again. That was until I saw this:

Via: Giant Freakin Robot

I really really tried to watch this entire trailer. I simply refuse. After about 50 seconds of listening I decided that I’d had enough of that annoying voice over used to narrate the clips. I get what they’re trying to do by enticing the “Saturday morning kids” into wanting to see this movie in 3D. I get it. What I don’t get is how they could think that releasing this wouldn’t dissipate any mild interest that I had in wanting to see this film.

I still like Lucas as a person to a degree. He’s a smart, nice, and creative guy. He helped create some of the most entertaining films in the history of cinema and I will forever hold a lot of my respect for that. I just don’t think he wants me to like Star Wars anymore. I’m not even putting a banner on this post, moving on…

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  • Claratsi

    awful, just awful. sums up everything that went wrong with most of the prequel trilogy and the kid friendly direction he took those in, until he partly redeemed himself with episode 3.

  • Carlos

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..HAHAHAHAHAHA…well, Kudos to you, Mr. Lucas. It was a nice attempt, but it turns out you actually CAN’T make me like that movie any less then I already do.

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